However, arguably they should be marketed as tents whose packing up will be a character-building experience. Certainly it takes much longer to pack them up than to unpack and pack up a normal tent, so they don't save any time at all in the long term. I've watched and helped with packing one up twice now, and so I offer these instructions on how to pack one up. As far as I can make out, this is the only way of folding these tents. There is no possibility of taking any short-cuts; you need to follow these instructions to the letter.
- Make sure you have a large audience. You won't see the funny side of what's about to happen but I assure you it's hilarious. It would be a pity for all that hilarity to be wasted.
- Start by trying to follow the instructions that came with the tent. Do this a few times. Each time you will get three-quarters of the way through before reaching an instruction that makes no sense. At that point, you will pause to think, and the tent will spring back to its fully-unpacked state. By now, the audience will be declaring this the most fun they've had on the entire camping trip.
- Abandon the instructions. Try to do your own thing. Fold it in your own unique style. Try numerous variants. Each time, you'll fold it into a nice neat circle that's between 2 and 3 times too big for the bag, with no way of making it smaller.
- Having no-where else to turn, and increasingly losing face in front of your rapidly-growing audience, return to the instructions. Meditate on the instruction that makes no sense. Try to imagine it from all possible directions. In desperation, consider it more of a zen koan than an instruction.
- Having done this, fold the tent to the point before the instruction that makes no sense. Holding the tent in this position, meditate once more on the instruction that makes no sense. Become at one with the instruction that makes no sense. Don't understand it, since that is impossible. Just be it. Now jump on the tent.
- Observe that you've now got the tent into the shape needed for the next instruction, and the rest is pretty trivial really. Put the tent in the bag rapidly. Accept the adulation of the crowd. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT HAPPENED IN STEP 5.